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The Role of Coffee in Community

The Role of Coffee in Community

Coffee has long been more than just a beverage; it has the power to bring people together, forge connections, and create a sense of community. Join us as we explore the profound role that coffee plays in fostering connections and strengthening the bonds within our community. From the cozy corners...

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The Rise of Specialty Coffee

The Rise of Specialty Coffee

In recent years, there has been a remarkable rise in the popularity of specialty coffee. As coffee lovers around the world seek out unique and flavorful experiences, specialty coffee has become more than just a beverage; it has evolved into a culture of its own. So, what exactly sets specialty...

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Coffee Roasting 101

Coffee Roasting 101

When you sip on your favorite cup of coffee, have you ever wondered about the journey it took to reach your mug? One crucial step in the coffee production process is coffee roasting. It's an artful process that transforms green coffee beans into aromatic and flavorful wonders. Let’s explore a...

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Coffee and Culture Around the World

Coffee and Culture Around the World

Coffee and Culture: How Different Countries Enjoy Their Cup Coffee is a universal beverage that transcends borders, cultures, and languages. It is a daily ritual for millions of people worldwide, each country infusing its own unique flavors, customs, and traditions into the art of brewing and savoring this beloved drink....

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Calioh Coffee's Guide to Coffee Bean Varieties

Calioh Coffee's Guide to Coffee Bean Varieties

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with a rich history and an array of different varieties. The two most well-known coffee varieties  are arabica and robusta coffee, but there are several other ones worth exploring as well. Arabica Coffee Arabica coffee is the most popular coffee...

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